Our Products
Made from %100 Australian steel, our Australian made, high-quality products will not disappoint. We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and want nothing but the best experience for our customers.
Standard Two Rail
Our standard ‘2 rail’ panels are made from 2.5 cm thick Australian galvanized steel. They are 2 metres in length, 1.2 metres tall and 15 kg in weight. There is a 57 cm gap between top and bottom rail and a 63 cm gap between the bottom rail and the ground.
*more photos pf this product can be viewed in the Gallery.
Three Rail
Our standard ‘3 rail’ panels are made from 2.5 cm thick Australian galvanized steel. They are 2 metres in length, 1.2 metres tall, 22 kg in weight. There is a 37.5 cm gap between top and middle rail and middle and bottom rail and a 42 cm gap between the bottom rail and the ground.
*more photos pf this product can be viewed in the Gallery.
Stallion Four Rail
Our ‘stallion panels’ are the same width and are made from the same galvanized steel, however they are taller than our standard panels. Each double panel 1.5 metres tall and weighs 26 kilograms. There is a 32.5 cm gap between all rails and a 42 cm gap between fourth rail and the ground.
*more photos pf this product can be viewed in the Gallery.
We can also custom make the yards to suit your needs!
Pony Rail
Our standard ‘pony rail’ panels are made from 2.5 cm thick Australian galvanized steel. Each double panel is 1 metre tall and weighs 11 kilograms. There is a 42 cm gap between top and bottom rails and a 54 cm gap between bottom rail and the ground.
*more photos pf this product can be viewed in the Gallery.
Mounting Brackets and Saddle Racks
Our removable mounting brackets allow you to carry up to 8 panels on one side of your float, depending on the float configuration (where the tailgate catch is located etc), ask us about this!
Mounting brackets can easily be interchanged with our powder coated saddle racks.
*more photos pf this product can be viewed in the Gallery.
Electric fence kit
Turbo equi-braid electric fence kits are available for additional security.
This can be positioned around the top of the yard or around the middle of the yard.
*more photos pf this product can be viewed in the Gallery.